In the movie “Stranger Than Fiction,” Harold Crick is a robotic IRS agent who begins to question his mundane existence when he hears a mysterious voice narrating his life and foreshadowing his death. When he discovers that he is not the master of his own destiny, but rather a fictional character, Crick tracks down his […]
“Inside Out” Teaches Us that Every Emotion has a Purpose
As a therapist, I often feel like a tour guide for my patients. Using various “maps” and my knowledge from years of traversing the emotional terrain, I help them navigate the territory of the mind and make sense of what they discover. Pixar’s “Inside Out” took that journey one step further, introducing the indigenous people […]
Accessing Your Inner Superhero
Each of us is on a journey. This journey is our story. And naturally you are the protagonist in this story, which like any story, has conflict. And no one can resolve this conflict but you. As therapist Kim Schneiderman, LCSW, MSW, writes in her excellent book Step Out of Your Story: Writing Exercises to […]
Using Storytelling Techniques to Reframe Your Life
A Review from Pysch Central
Our lives are a story. There are characters, conflicts and resolutions. There is joy and pain, comedy and drama. There is mystery and adventure. How we tell our tales, and thereby how we see ourselves, plays a huge role in how we live our lives. Because perception is everything. If we view a failure as […]
Charlotte Rains Dixon Reviews “Step Out of Your Story”
Once again, the wonderful folks at New World Libraryhave offered me a book to review. And once again, I’m making slow progress through it because I keep stopping to ponder and do the exercises. I found the receipt of this book particularly serendipitous because shortly before it arrived, I announced that I was pondering offering […]
How to Live Like the Stories You Love
We’re all the stars of our own story, but that’s not the only role we play. Every life is an unfolding story: dynamic, unique, purposeful and potentially heroic. But it’s also open to interpretation, especially our own. From the day we’re born, we become the spin doctor of our own work in progress, with the […]
My Interview with Dr. Susan Allison from Transformation Talk Radio,4010.html
Interview with Greg Enso from Life on Purpose Radio
Chatting about the book with blog radio dynamo Cyrus Webb
My interview with Terri Williams, the “Bliss Lady”