We’re all the stars of our own story, but that’s not the only role we play.
Every life is an unfolding story: dynamic, unique, purposeful and potentially heroic. But it’s also open to interpretation, especially our own. From the day we’re born, we become the spin doctor of our own work in progress, with the power to tell our story as a triumph, tragedy or something in between.
In fact, creating one’s personal myth is a fundamental way in which we find meaning in life. This is not necessarily the stuff of narcissism or navel-gazing. Rather, the more intimate we become with our story, the more we realize that everyone has their own equally valid and important narrative, of which they, too, are the central character. And the more we identify with each other’s stories, the more we realize how connected we all are.
What if we could transform our character arcs into something worthy of the Hollywood treatment? To read more, click here…
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