Have you ever noticed that the same type of character keeps showing up in your life and pushing all your buttons? These people may look nothing alike or even share the same gender, but they keep presenting you with more or less the same frustrations and issues. Or perhaps it’s not a certain person but a negative situation that you always find yourself struggling with. Why do these characters and situations keep appearing in your storyline?
If we look at life as a story, these characters and situations are the antagonists of our narrative — and while we may not like or appreciate them, they play an instrumental role in shaping our plotlines and our character. The antagonists are the personal trainers who push us beyond perceived limitations to develop flabby, underutilized emotional muscles. As with a personal trainer, we might swear at them through gritted teeth. But if we read between the lines, the antagonist is just helping us build inner strength. To read more, click on http://tinyurl.com/opt4jdc
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